ty64 Commodore 64 emulator
under development, current version: 2024-03-16
ty64 is a brand new emulator for web browsers written from scratch
in native JavaScript. The primary goal of the project is learning,
getting to know the Commodore 64 as thoroughly as possible.
Another goal is to create a lightweight, easy-to-use, lovely, user-friendly
program by taking the advantages of the on-line platform.
The ty64 emulator is currently under active development, but because
of the high interest, it is freely available even during the development
period. Anyone can follow the progress of the project. The current version
is far from perfect, but it can still be used perfectly in the vast majority
of cases.
Minimal requirements
It is recommended to use the latest Firefox or Chrome, or other browsers
based on similar engines (e.g. Brave).
* the complete system (browser + OS + video card) must support webgl2,
Web Audio Api and WebAssembly
* this is a desktop application, the browser window must be at least
1024x768 pixels
* the processor must be fast enough to run the emulation smoothly
* turn off all extensions within the browser for this site, those can
slow down the performance
* please enable automatic playback of sounds in your browser security
settings for this site otherwise it will only play sounds after the
first user interaction happened
* Pay attention to those keyboard combinations what are overwritten
by the browser. (e.g. do not use [CTRL] to 'fire' and [W] to 'up' together
because pushing these keys together will close the tab)
Some useful keyboard shortcuts
[PAUSE] - stop/continue emulation
[F9] - quick load state
[F12] - quick save state (still stored after leaving the site)
[F10] - toggle performance meter
[F11] - toggle fullscreen mode
[ScrollLock] - quick switch control ports
[PageDown] - make a screenshot from the foreground (320x200)
[Shift] + [PageDown] - make a screenshot from the whole screen (384x272)
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Esc] - reset everything to factory default and reload page
[Shift] + open - the file will load but won't run automatically
You can send your suggestions here: info@krissz.hu
Have fun with the emulator!
Krisztián Tóth